Yugal (Songs)
Here you can download sound, videos, or words to songs, developed by our project, often using the songs in the links below.
Videos can also be played or downloaded from the "songs" playlist at: www.youtube/SpeakGamilaraay
For other songs:
- Yugal from the Walgett Language Program (2003) with most recordings in Yuwaalaraay as well as words in Gamilaraay, and including, backing tracks, guitar chords etc. is available for download or purchase, see: https://yuwaalaraay.com/yugal-songs/
- Yugal 2 (2017) has songs and words in Gamilaraay recorded by Loren Ryan, and can be downloaded: https://yuwaalaraay.com/yugal-songs/
- Songs for Charlie by Loren Ryan (2022) for ABC Radio has a bilingual approach, and is available via Spotify etc.
"Yaraan-da warra-y-la-nha gugurrgaagaa" (Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree)
Download the songsheet: Kookaburra-song_words_2023.pdf
"If you're gayaa (happy) and you know it..."
An early childhood action song for feelings.
See our page with materials for our Guuyay (mood/s) theme.
"Yaraay, gilay, dhawun" (Sun, moon, earth)
An early childhood action song.
This is part of our Gunagala-Sky theme.
Bach chorale
"Mirii-dhuul, mirii-dhuul" (Twinkle twinkle little star)
See our Sky theme page for words, music, and video for "Mirii-dhuul, mirii-dhuul". Loren has another version in Songs for Charlie (see above).
Gagan (Colours)
See our Gagan theme page for "Yugal gagan-di" (The colours song) and "I can sing a rainbow". Loren has another version of "I can sing a rainbow" on Songs for Charlie (see above).
Ngaya Bana (My Body)
See our page with old favourites "Bina Mil" and "Head, shoulders, knees & toes", as well as Marrin Gamu "The body song" at our page with resources for Ngaya Bana.
"Yaadha Nginu" (Happy Birthday)
See our page with birthdays resources.