Buwadjarr Mari (Aboriginal Fathers)
Our Aboriginal Fathers Program supports Aboriginal Dads, Pops and Uncles to be strong healthy role models who engage in a child's
life as early as possible, by encouraging them to contribute to the health and wellbeing of the Mums during pregnancy and help provide a
nurturing and supportive family environment for the child.
The Aboriginal Fathers Program aims to connect Aboriginal men to stand together, taking back their cultural responsibilty to protect and
keep women and children safe, and stand strong as cultural role models within the community.
We aim to promote positive, healthy, active parenting and positive leadership.
Activities available to support you and your family include:
Connecting familiies to local service providers
- Community events
- Advocacy and support
- Parenting prorams
- Family capacity building
Activities and supports are available to families across the Gunnedah and Narrabri local government areas.
More info
Please email Benny Murray BennyM@winanga-li.org.au, or phone the centre.
Artwork by Deiann Kennedy